Download general conditions
for the drawing up of a certificate
of authenticity



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In order to produce a sustained direction for the defence and promotion of the work of Isabelle Waldberg, and to establish an exhaustive catalog of her work, the artist's beneficiaries - her grand-daughters - decided that the Committee was the best structure to address their concerns and that it would also have the virtue of sharing their wishes for defence and promotion with other people who share their awareness.

The ASSOCIATION named 'COMITÉ ISABELLE WALDBERG' was officially created on 21 December 2013 and is regulated by the Law of 1 July 1901 (la 'Loi du 1er juillet 1901').

This association intends to:
- Promote and spread awareness of the work of the sculptor Isabelle Waldberg, and to contribute to her influence;
- Promote all cultural events (exhibitions, conferences, etc.);
- Establish the exhaustive catalog of Isabelle Waldberg's work;
- To collect, index, and develop the Isabelle Waldberg archives;
- To facilitate all research, to set up databases and to contribute to conservation as well as developing the Isabelle Waldberg archives;
- Together with the beneficial owners, to defend the rights regarding Isabelle Waldberg's work, its quality and her name;
- To continue to pursue with their permission the exercise and defence of moral rights over Isabelle Waldberg's work;
- As such, to draw up and issue certificates of authenticity which only the board of directors will be authorised to do.

The organisation's resources include:
- The total amount of entrance fees and subscriptions paid by the members which will be set by the Annual Meeting following a proposal by the Board of Directors;
- subsidies aimed at allowing the organisation to achieve the goals it sets itself, that could be granted to it by the State and by all public and private institutions, local authorities or all resources authorised by law;
- The amounts charged for the issue of certificates of authenticity;
- Interest and revenue from the organisation's assets and securities that it possesses;
- The donations and bequests received to help it with the action that it has set for itself.


If you are in possession of information such as photos, letters, works (constructions. watercolors, drawings, plaster sculpture …) or texts that would allow us to complete our archives and to establish Isabelle Waldberg's exhaustive catalogue, please contact us.